Univerzitný vedecký park
pre biomedicínu Bratislava
Slovenská akadémia vied
Vybudovaný v rámci projektu ITMS 26240220087
Európsky fond regionálneho rozvoja
Univerzitný vedecký park
pre biomedicínu Bratislava

Aktuality pre Univerzitný vedecký park pre biomedicínu Bratislava "UVP BIOMED"  - rok 2017.

 datum[0] = 2017-09-09
Dátum konania: 2017-09-09

8th International Posture Symposium

Smolenice 9.-12. September, 2018. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, we would like to cordially invite you to join us for The 8th International Posture Symposium “Posture and Gait in Research and Clinic” which will be held in the Congress Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, September 9th – 12th 2018.